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The Florida Health & Life (Including Annuities & Variable Contracts) Study Manual is published under contract with the Florida Department of Financial Services by NAIFA-Florida for the Florida Life, Health, and Variable Contracts Pre-Licensing (60-hour) course. The 38th Edition of the manual is the only version that should be used to prepare for the state examination. The state licensing exam is based on material contained in this study manual.
It is vital that you have the most current version of the manual before beginning any course of study. “This study manual is designed to assist individuals interested in the insurance profession in obtaining a thorough knowledge of Florida’s laws and rules and an accurate understanding of insurance theory and practice.” — memo from the Bureau of Agent and Agency Licensing, Florida Department of Financial Services.

Product, Tax & Ground Shipping: $75.95
IMPORTANT: Orders are processed Monday – Friday only. The office is closed on weekends and holidays. Ordering deadline is 1:00 pm. Please ensure your order is placed before that time to ensure the earliest possible delivery. Orders received after 1:00 pm will be processed the following business day. Please note that weekend delivery is not included in shipping totals.